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    Introduction to Black & White Fiber Printing - Winter 2025

    Another Individual

    FACULTY Jake Nelson
    DATE / TIME February 23, 2025 | Sunday 12:30-5:30pm
    TUITION $165
    Payment & Refund Policy
    Scholarship Opportunities
    FORMAT In-person, enrollment is limited to 10 students.
    LEVEL Intermediate
    PREREQS Black & White Printing Basics or Photo I: Black & White; or equivalent darkroom experience


    This is a one-day workshop designed for intermediate printers, but it can also serve as a refresher for anyone who is rekindling a relationship with the darkroom. Fiber printing is an archival process that produces a superior tonal range to RC printing. This workshop will lead students through the process of working with Fiber paper and push participants to explore more complicated printing methods. Though the ultimate goal is to produce several perfect “final prints”, participants are encouraged to bring a variety of negatives to work from, ranging in size between 35mm and 4X5. Along with negatives, students are required to bring one clean rag and/or a clean fabric apron. Students are encouraged to bring any dodging or burning tools, however there will be opportunities to make tools during the workshop. Students are expected to have an understanding of the basic functions of a photo enlarger and some experience printing in a darkroom.

    Topics covered include:

    • Visualizing and achieving a “final print” from a negative
    • Exploring advanced printing techniques, such as split filter printing
    • Localized exposure and contrast control through dodging and burning
    • Print evaluation techniques
    • Print registration
    • Darkroom workflow
    • Printing in a community darkroom, and much more!



    • Students must bring black and white negatives that are processed and ready for printing, and a box or folder to take home completed prints
    • PCNW will provide 8x10 size fiber black and white paper for darkroom printing during the workshop


    Image credit: Jake Nelson